Rise In Real Estate Apps For Google Glass

Posted by:Aleksandra Oleksak

Technology is constantly changing our lives from smartphones, to electronics to household gadgets and real estate is no exception. Therefore it’s no surprise that Google has developed Google Glass and is implementing it into the real estate world. Today I have a guest post, telling us exactly what they have planned.

Imagine this scenario: You’re walking down the street, wearing your new Google Glass, and you see a great home you’ve always imagined living in. What if you could call up a real estate app on your Glass, look at the house to enable its GPS location, and then within seconds, see the price and transaction history of the house in your app? That futuristic scenario may not be too far off if technology’s rapid advances keep moving ahead.

Google Glass is the tech giant’s attempt to bring the Internet right in front of our eyes, embedded in tiny screens in front of one’s right eye. Glass is also a wider attempt to give users more physicality with our Web use, moving us away off PCs, laptops, phones and tablets.

Glass is composed of a glass frame with a camera, display, touch buttons, microphone and battery built right into it. Having the display screen directly in one’s line of vision lets Glass users access Web sites, take pictures, record video, search and more — all while on the move.

Glass for business use

While not yet readily available to the general public, Google Glass is attracting the attention of developers aiming to find uses for particular industries. Already, tech publications are writing how Glass will change industries, including possibilities in aviation, education and healthcare. And those aren’t the only industries ripe for new opportunities using Google Glass.

There are moves on the real estate front, as well. American companies are developing these apps and Canadian companies are sure to follow suit. With these advancements underway in the housing industry, it’s just a matter of time before related areas of home design, home security and even home insurance are impacted.

Real Estate Applications

In the US real estate websites are already implementing google glass. Here’s how they work. When Glass users agree to receive updates from Trulia, the app sends various alerts to users, depending on geographic location. Perhaps the user has indicated that they are interested in seeing new homes in a particular ZIP code. The app will beam photos, alerts and price info. If the user is compelled to seek more information, the app will have real estate agents’ contact info for the prospective home buyer. Glass users can also use their headset’s app to contact the agent via phone or text. Zillow, too, is prepping a similar app that gives Glass users access to its database of home values, locations, trends and data. That’s an amazing amount of info to have at your fingertips walking around a neighborhood.

Real estate is about to be transformed with this new tool:

  • Video home tours: Using Google’s Hangout feature could allow a real estate agent to be inside a home and send video over Glass to a prospective buyer in another town or location.
  • Send interior home photos: A real estate agent could respond to a client’s wish to see walk-by images of a house. The agent could tap the Glass set, save a few images and shoot them out, giving a possible buyer more information and pictures.
  • Google expects to launch Glass to the general public sometime early next year.

Do you think you’ll buy Google Glass? If so, what are you planning on using it for?
