Impromptu Backyard Makeover

Posted by:Aleksandra Oleksak

Jungle backyard

With my discussion of a backyard oasis last week, it prompted me to think about the backyard in my latest home renovation project in the Junction Triangle. Luckily my boyfriend was just finishing up his latest renovation project and had a lot of extra grass left over which he so kindly gave to me, instead of returning it to the store. So with the help of my family, we got down and dirty and tackled my jungle of a backyard. I think the end result turned out great and I’m hoping my new tenants will love it. The best part about this whole project….it came in under $300!

Check it out! (video transcription available below)

What do you think? Can you believe how out of control it was before?

Make sure to check back here to see what I did in the front.

Have a question about this makeover? I definitely don’t have a green thumb, but will do my best to answer it.




Video Transcription 

 Hey Everyone is it the realty queen. And we are finally seeing summer like weather in Toronto, which prompted me to start thinking about my backyard for the home I renovated in the Junction Triangle. Now originally when I was renovating the home it was winter and I was not sure what was going to happen in the backyard as I couldn’t do much at that time. Well summer hit and boy was it ever a mess. Lets take a look at what it looked like before. As you can see it was literally a jungle. All the weeds grew in and were about waist high. And although my dog loved going back there and getting lost in the backyard I certainly couldn’t leave it like that for my tenants as I am sure they wouldn’t appreciate it. So, what I decided to do was to rip out all the weeds, level the ground, and plant some fresh grass and some flowers to spruce it up a little bit and make it really a backyard oasis for my tenants. So lets have a look and see what I did. So like I said I decided to lay fresh grass and as well plants and flowers. As you can see the grass has taken beautifully as I have been watering and watering to make sure that the roots take and that I have beautiful fresh planted grass like this. Now Roxy also loves the grass and has a great time out there. So here is another shot of the rose bushes that were actually here and grew in so I didn’t have to put them in which was absolutely amazing and they are fresh flowers. So, if you are planning on redoing your backyard and planting new grass here is my tip of the day. Make sure you water it a lot! Especially in the first 2-3 weeks you are going to have to water it once in the morning and once at night to make sure the roots really take and you get the beautiful green grass and to make sure if you are planting flowers that they grow as well. Now the key thing to is to not water during the day as with the sun it will do more damage and will end up scorching your grass or any flowers that you have planted. So remember, first 2-3 weeks once in the morning and once at night and you will have a beautiful backyard oasis. Now I am always renovating something or giving some real estate tidbits so make sure to follow along on my blog at,  you can also say hi on twitter and stop by my facebook page. So I hope you enjoyed my impromptu backyard makeover and my next video will be what I decided to do in the front. Ooo exciting! See you back here next time.