Rise In Real Estate Apps For Google Glass

Posted by:Aleksandra Oleksak
google glass

Technology is constantly changing our lives from smartphones, to electronics to household gadgets and real estate is no exception. Therefore it’s no surprise that Google has developed Google Glass and is implementing it into the real estate world. Today I have a guest post, telling us exactly what they have planned. Imagine this scenario: You’re Read the Rest…


Social Media In Real Estate: The Basics

Posted by:Aleksandra Oleksak

Skye Nicholson-Smith, social media coordinator from Streetseed is here today to talk about real estate and social media…the basics. Streetseed is an innovative real estate search platform, helping homeowners, buyers, sellers, renters, real estate agents, landlords and property managers find and share important information about homes for sale and rent. Skye take it away….. In today’s Read the Rest…


Social Media & Mortgages

Posted by:Aleksandra Oleksak

Brennan Valenzuela from RateHub is back this month for his guest post. In case you’re not up to speed, Brennan and I decided to swap articles once a month on each other’s blogs. If you missed his last post, no worries, just click here and if you missed mine, just click here. Now that you’re up to speed, Read the Rest…
